
 5 Things To Avoid
1. Too lazy to update your blog
Blog is identical with a site that periodically must have something new. If you have decided to make money with blog, then the first thing you must deeply consider is how to make your blog always have fresh content. You can do it either by yourself, or hire someone to write the content for you. It's just about consistency and your persistence to take care of it. But please avoid unethical ways like simply copy & paste.
2. Don't want to know anything about SEO
Whatever the reason, if you have a web site or blog, SEO remains an important thing for you to learn. Of course community (see 3rd point below) is also important, but SEO is the cheapest (while also most effective) way to search and attract candidate for your community. You may have hundred thousand dollars to put the campaign in newspapers or other media, but in term of community membership, conversion value of visitors that come from the campaign is less than they who come through the search engine. You don't have to believe me, just prove it by yourself.
3. Don't want to build a community
To build a community is necessary. Even it tends to be a must. If you are still thinking that a site or blog that most of the visitors based on community is less gaining than they who come from search engine then you must be brainwashed. Yeah... just think why.
4. Don't want to try new things
Adsense is not the only way to gain money from blog. Open your eyes and believe the fact. If you feel Adsense don' bring you luck, then stop and try new things. There are so many PPC's other than Adsense. It could be local PPC that might be more suitable to your content. That, if you still want to deal with PPC thing. Have you ever thought about paid review, direct ads, etc? It's your choice.
5. No Action Learn Only
Currently there's so many information about internet businesses. Free, paid, and even pirated info's. The bright side is that you have many choices to learn from. The dark side is, too many information makes you hesitate to be a man of action. You just move back and forth, going nowhere.